Dr. John Jaquish, ‘00, attributes valuable leadership lessons to his SigEp experience. Reflecting on his time at SigEp, he emphasizes the importance of motivating others through shared pride rather than traditional incentives. This approach, he believes, is remarkably more effective in leadership.
“I always felt like the most valuable lessons I learned in college were in the chapter. I learned how to motivate people — people I couldn’t fire and didn’t pay — so the only capital you have is pride. And I think when you motivate with pride it is a far more effective leadership strategy…spectacularly more effective than anything else.”
During his undergraduate years, he admired SigEp for its inclusive environment that engaged members from freshmen to seniors, fostering a healthy learning atmosphere. Inspired by brothers like Jeff Howes, ’93, John applies similar principles in managing his employees today.
John draws parallels between his leadership style in the workforce and how he led the SigEp chapter during his undergraduate years. He highlights the importance of recruitment, considering it the most crucial function to ensure the success of the fraternity.
Notably, John played a pivotal role in implementing the Balanced Man Program at Sac State during his two-terms as President, emphasizing the chapter’s commitment to recruiting and developing real gentlemen who treat others with respect.
After graduation, John’s career took a fascinating turn when he designed medical devices to aid his mother’s osteoporosis. The success of these devices led to the establishment of a company, in collaboration with Tony Robbins, with 300 clinics across 15 countries. John has more than 1 million followers on Instagram (@drjaquish) and is a Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author.
John underscores the importance of instilling values and qualities, such as recruiting based on genuine friendship and maintaining high standards, for the sustainable success of SigEp. He believes that being surrounded by individuals who consistently make sound choices contributes to the overall growth and positive culture of the fraternity.
In addition to his undergraduate fraternity leadership, John has served on AVCs at Northwestern and at Sac State. Influenced by his father’s positive fraternity experience in a local fraternity at Kettering University, John highlights the shared commitment to responsible behavior within fraternity communities.
After having lived all over the globe and with the ability to run his business from anywhere, John chooses to reside in Sacramento, citing his fondness for the city, largely influenced by his positive experiences with the SigEp chapter at Sac State.